"Cheb" shared a short program written in Iskra-226 BASIC. His slightly edited message is shared below, with his permission. ---------------------------------------------------- Here is listing of the program I wrote as a schoolboy on Iskra-226 in 1986. The first prompt asks for "INITIAL SPEED", and the second prompt asks for "ANGLE", then draws a parabola of a spherical cow thrown in a vacuum. The graphical screen resolution was 512x256, with the 0,0 at bottom left. AFAIR the graphical layer was not matching the text layer exactly and they were blended in analog way (points where the text and graphics overlapped being a bit brighter). Half of this is Voodoo coding, me copying blindly from existing programs. So don't ask me what those commands do. I had no manual. 10 DIM J¤(100,10)10 20 PRINT HEX(0307):¤OPEN J¤() 30 INPUT "НАЧ.СКОРОСТЬ",N:INPUT "УГОЛ",U:U=U-90:PRINT HEX(0603):X,Y=0 40 SELECT D 50 V1=N*COS(U):V2=N*SIN(U):W=2*V2/9.8:D=V1*W:D=-D 60 DRAW J¤(),511,0:DOT J¤,0,0 70 FOR T=1 TO D-3 STEP 0.01 80 X=ABS(T*V2):Y=ABS(V1*T-9.8*T^2/2):IF X>D THEN 110 90 DRAW J¤(),X,Y 100 NEXT T 110 PRINT "DAL_NOST_ POLETA=";-D:END