Listing of file='609@vold' on disk='vmedia/'
# Sector 1987, program filename = '609@vold' 0010 REM %609@vold - Delete Volume 0015 DIM S4,S5(2),S0(2),T5(2),T1$(4)40,S3(2) : DIM S5,T1(7),S6(7),S1(7),T2$(7)40 : DIM S6,T2(4),S7(4),S2(4),S4(4) : DIM S1$4,S1$(4)2,S2$(24)2 : DIM S2$1,T1$80,T2$2 : DIM U1$(12),U2$(12)4,R1$1,V0$(1)1 : C8$=STR(T5$(1),,8)&STR(T5$(2),,8) : C9$=T5$(3) : GOSUB '61 : PRINT HEX(0306);AT(7,30);STR(C8$,,8);AT(8,30);C9$ 0050 GOSUB '62 : ON T5+2GOTO 210,210,60 : GOSUB 2000 : PRINT AT(23,0);HEX(07);B5$(2);T1$; : GOTO 50 0060 IF T5(1)=1THEN 210 : GOSUB '237(C8$) : ON VAL(R1$)+1GOTO 210,2020,2030,2040,2050,2060,2070,2080,2090,2100 : GOSUB 2010 : C5$=" " : IF R1$>HEX(29)THEN CONVERT VAL(R1$)TO C5$,(##) : ELSE HEXUNPACKR1$TO C5$ : T1$=T1$&" "&C5$ 0080 PRINT AT(23,0);HEX(07);B5$(2);T1$; : $BREAK255 : GOTO 210 0210 DEFFN'31 : LOAD T"609@vol"10,2999 1028 DEFFN'0"LISTSHEX(03)D10,";HEX(0D) 2000 T1$="Invalid key" : RETURN 2010 T1$="Access error = " : RETURN 2020 T1$="Volume full" : GOTO 80 2030 T1$="Volume already exists" : GOTO 80 2040 T1$="File or volume does not exist" : GOTO 80 2050 T1$="No free device slots" : GOTO 80 2060 T1$="Incorrect password" : GOTO 80 2070 T1$="Exclusive open error" : GOTO 80 2080 T1$="File not opened" : GOTO 80 2090 T1$="Illegal file ID" : GOTO 80 2100 T1$="Not enough room in file to re-use scratched area" : GOTO 80 2110 DATA 3,0,0,"D E L E T E V O L U M E" : DATA 3,5,53,"Option" : DATA 1,7,50,1,"Cancel delete","Delete volume","\DE" : DATA 4,4,0,"Please select one of the following:" : DATA 4,7,10,"Volume name" : DATA 4,8,10,"Disk address" : DATA 0