image of READY prompt

Listing of file='IDS2sS41' on disk='vmedia/'

### Logical Record 0
"\E1IDS2sS41\CE<\AE?,4>(t\8E\800>`\02\C8 "\CA\E8\E8\02\9B\A4IDS2sS271IDSSCRNF                                 "
"                                                  \F2\00\00\00\00\00\00  1ELT101281\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09"
"\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09Pass/Fail Action Summary:  M Rcv op1    T Load ind\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09"
"\09\09\09\09\09\09A Skp ahd Y   G Errmsg N   N Rcv ind    U Disp 1-2\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09"
"\09\09\09B Skp ahd N   H Disp FMB   O Save op1   V Disp ind\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09"
"C Skp bck Y   I Copy 1-2   P Save ind   W Fld spec\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09D S"
"kp bck N   J Copy ind   Q Goto op1   X Spec ind\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09 Br Ind  Test/Op2\09\09\09E Canc"
"el  Y   K Xmt op1    R Goto ind   Y FNK/Help\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09 \09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09F Cancel "
" N   L Xmt ind    S Load op1   Z Date ops \09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09"
"\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09\09 Option "R" - Branch to (field - screens, op"
"eration - report/batch) indirect                                                   "
"                                  This action permits a branch to a specified field"
" or operation.  For screens,   the branch must be to another field on the screen.  "
"For both reports and batch  processes, the branch must be to a named operation.    "
"                                                                                   "
"                      Operand 1 must contain a field name or @TSTFLD# whose value s"
"upplies the name   of the field or operation to which the branch is to be made.    "
"                                                                                   "
"                                                                                   "
"                                                                                   "
"                                                                                   "
"    Operand 2 may be used for an additional test or operation.        (FN'15=HELP) "