Although I have a working Wang 2200 computer, I have written an emulator so other people who still have a fondness for the machine but don't have the time to hunt one down can have a bit of the experience anyway. The emulator contains a binary image of the Wang ROMs, and microinstructions are carried out cycle by cycle. All I/O operations get trapped and the addressed device emulates the appropriate response. Since it uses the actual microcode, the emulator is bug-for-bug compatible with a real machine.

The program emulates the first and second generation 2200 CPUs (2200B/2200T, 2200VP, 2200MVP), two different display controllers, the keyboard, a disk drive controller, a printer, a 2236MUXD terminal mux, and a 2336 intelligent serial terminal. Programs can be loaded either from a virtual disk, or by the "script" mechanism whereby files from the host system can be sent to the emulated computer as if they had been typed in very quickly.
Normally the emulator tries to run at a speed matching the original hardware no matter what the speed is of the host hardware. However, an unregulated mode exists where the emulator runs as fast as it can.
WangEmu runs natively under both Win32 (screenshot above) and Mac OS X. It was developed primarily under Windows 7, and very late in the process under Windows 10.
The OSX version was built under 10.14.5 (Mojave). Not being a Mac person, I'm not sure what other OSX versions this can run on. (screenshot).
The cross platform support was aided greatly by the wxWidgets toolkit. If you download the sources and intend to build them for yourself, you'll also need to download the wxWidgets sources. The binaries below were built with wxWidgets release 3.1.3.
You might want to peruse these help topics to see a little more of the emulator:
MS Windows version:
- Quickstart directions
- Menu system
- Configuring the Emulator
- Printer Configuration and Use
- Creating/Inspecting Virtual Disks
- Mapping the Wang keyboard
- Most Useful Disk BASIC Commands
- Scripts
Apple OS X version:
- Quickstart directions
- Menu system
- Configuring the Emulator
- Printer Configuration and Use
- Creating/Inspecting Virtual Disks
- Mapping the Wang keyboard
- Most Useful Disk BASIC Commands
- Scripts
Here is the latest and greatest version of the emulator, 3.0. It was released in January, 2020. If you've downloaded an earlier version of the emulator, please see the release notes to see what has changed since then.
Download WangEmu version 3.0 for OS X (8.4 MB; application and source)
Download WangEmu version 3.0 for Windows (13.5 MB; application and source)
You may wonder why the Windows version of the emulator is so much larger than the OSX version. It is because the release also contains a python program which can be used to inspect virtual disk images used by the emulator, which is often more convenient than doing it under Wang BASIC. The PC version has 'wvdutil.exe', which is a hefty stand-alone executable which embeds a self-contained python ecosystem so users who don't have python installed on their system can still use the tool.
Don't worry, there is no install program, no registry changes, or other hassles. Just unzip into the directory of your choice and away you go.