Listing of file='LPERROR' on disk='vmedia/'
# Sector 198, program filename = 'LPERROR' 0100 REM % LP FATAL ERROR HANDLER 0130 COM L0$21,L1$6,A5$8 : DIM X$(2)80,I,B$6,X1$1 : L1$=HEX(07020402000E) : R1=VAL(STR(L0$,1,1)) : IF R7$<>" "THEN GOTO 1090 : PRINT HEX(03) : PRINT AT(0,27);HEX(060E);"DATAMERGE Error Processing";HEX(0F); : PRINT AT(1,0);BOX(0,80);AT(20,0);BOX(0,80); : PRINT HEX(0F0202000F); : B$=HEX(020404000E) : I=POS(STR(L0$,2)=20)-1 : IF I<1THEN I=20 0210 ON R1GOTO 220,250,280,310,340,400,450,500,550,600,650,700,720,750,780,800 0220 X$(1)="The Number of Field Names In "&B$&STR(L0$,2,I)&HEX(0F)&" Exceeds t he Allowed Maximum" : X$(2)="Please Correct the Document or Choose the Correct File" : GOTO 1000 0250 X$(1)="The Field Name "&B$&STR(L0$,2,I)&HEX(0F)&" Has Too Many Characters or Is" : X$(2)="Missing a Terminating NOTE Character - Please Correct the Document " : GOTO 1000 0280 X$(1)="The Document "&B$&STR(L0$,2,I)&HEX(0F)&" Is Missing a Terminating Note Character" : X$(2)="Please Correct the Document" : GOTO 1000 0310 X$(1)="Unable to Read Document "&B$&STR(L0$,2,I)&HEX(0F) : X$(2)="Contact Supervisor Immediately" : GOTO 1000 0340 X$(1)="Unable to Close Document "&B$&STR(L0$,2,I)&HEX(0F) : X$(2)="Contact Supervisor Immediately" : GOTO 1000 0400 X$(1)="Word Processing Library Map Not On Selected Disk"&B$&HEX(0F) : X$(2)="Software Was Improperly Installed - Check User Manual" : GOTO 1000 0450 X$(1)="DATAMERGE Translate Table Not Accessible"&B$&HEX(0F) : X$(2)="Software Was Improperly Installed - Check User Manual" : GOTO 1000 0500 X$(1)="There Are No Field Names in Document "&B$&STR(L0$,2,I)&HEX(0F) : X$(2)="Please Select Another Document" : GOTO 1000 0550 X$(1)="The Document for the Selected Records Cannot Be "&B$&STR(L0$,2,I)& HEX(0F) : X$(2)="Contact Supervisor Immediately" : GOTO 1000 0600 X$(1)="There Is a Missing Field Name in Document "&B$&STR(L0$,2,I)&HEX(0F ) : X$(2)="Please Correct the Document" : GOTO 1000 0650 X$(1)="The Word Processing Volume "&B$&STR(L0$,2,I)&HEX(0F)&" Is Full" : X$(2)="Archive Documents or Recreate Volume to Obtain Space" : GOTO 1000 0700 X$(1)="The Document "&B$&STR(L0$,2,I)&HEX(0F)&" Cannot Be Opened for Prin ting" : X$(2)="Check For Other Users Accessing The Same Document" : GOTO 1000 0720 X$(1)="The SUPER DOCUMENT for the Selected Records Cannot Be "&B$&STR(L0$ ,2,I)&HEX(0F) : X$(2)="Contact Supervisor Immediately" : GOTO 1000 0750 X$(1)="The File "&B$&STR(L0$,2,I)&HEX(0F)&" Cannot Be Accessed" : X$(2)="Check the File Definition or the Control File Address" : GOTO 1000 0780 X$(1)="The Disk Containing DATAMERGE Software Is Full" : X$(2)="Please Remove All Unnecessary Files" : GOTO 1000 0800 X$(1)="The SUPERDOCUMENT Contains More Than 116 Pages" : X$(2)="Please Respecify Record Selection Criteria" : GOTO 1000 1000 PRINT AT(11,(80-LEN(X$(1)))/2+3);X$(1); : PRINT AT(12,(80-LEN(X$(2)))/2);X$(2); : PRINT HEX(07) : PRINT AT(21,50);"Press EXEC/RUN to Restart"; : PRINT AT(22,50);" CANCEL/EDIT to Terminate"; 1050 KEYIN X1$ : PRINT AT(23,0,); : IF X1$=HEX(82)THEN GOTO 1090 : ELSE IF X1$=HEX(F0)THEN GOTO 1120 : ELSE GOTO 1150 1090 COM CLEAR A0$() : LOAD TR3$(2) 1120 COM CLEAR : LOAD TA5$ 1150 PRINT AT(23,0);L1$;"Invalid Key";HEX(0F); : GOTO 1050 9000 DEFFN'0"SCRATCH T ";HEX(22);"LPERROR";HEX(22) 9100 DEFFN'1"SAVE T () ";HEX(22);"LPERROR";HEX(22)