image of READY prompt

Listing of file='@.BACKUP' on disk='vmedia/'

# Sector 784, program filename = '@.BACKUP'
9000 REM % Prog = @.BACKUP  06/15/92  KKB
9010 REM ! BACKUP DISK Platter Menu
9020 REM ! (c) Copyright  Wang Laboratories, Inc.  1987, 1992.  All rights res
9030 DATA "@.BACKUP","Backup Disk Platter (RELEASE 1.00)",3,1,"@SYSMVPB"
9040 DATA "@VERCPUB","Backup Disk Platters to SCSI Tape Drive","P"
9050 DATA "@DSTAPEB","Backup Disk Platters to DS Tape Cassette","P"
9060 DATA "@BACKUP","Backup Disk Platters to Disk Drive","P"
9130 DATA "no more","end of menu list"," "