Listing of file='@.DISK' on disk='vmedia/'
# Sector 1389, program filename = '@.DISK' 9000 REM % Prog = @.DISK 06/22/92 KKB 9001 REM % 11/15/92 MEB Changed menu names, line 9030 & 9060. 9002 REM % 01/20/94 MEB Changed Release to 1.10 on line 9030. 9010 REM ! Disk Utilites Menu 9020 REM ! (c) Copyright Wang Laboratories, Inc. 1987, 1992. All rights res erved. 9030 DATA "@.DISK","Disk Management Utilities (Release 1.10)",3,1,"@SYSMVPB" 9040 DATA "@DSCFIG","DS Configuration","P" 9050 DATA "@VERCPUC","SCSI Configuration","P" 9060 DATA "@DSCFIGP","Protect/Unprotect DS Addresses","P" 9070 DATA "@RAMDISK","RAM Disk Allocation","P" 9080 DATA "@HITRATE","Cache Usage","P" 9090 DATA "no more","end of menu list"," "